At Save Weekley Hall Wood, we’re committed to protecting not only the natural beauty of the woodland but also the safety and wellbeing of everyone who visits. Following a recent road traffic accident on the A6183 (Weekley Wood Lane) in November 2024, we’re launching a Safety Survey to better understand how people access the wood.
Why We Need Your Input
Weekley Hall Wood is a treasured community space. Whether you cross the busy A6183 or use the nearby lay-bys to visit, your experience can help us build a clearer picture of any potential challenges visitors may face.
This survey aims to:
• Determine how many people visit the wood and how they travel there.
• Assess the safety of current access points, including crossings and lay-bys.
• Understand public support for potential safety measures.
How the Survey Works
The survey will run for 12 months from December 2024 to November 2025. This time frame allows us to gather data across different seasons and provide a comprehensive look at visitor habits and safety concerns.
By participating, you’ll have a say in shaping safety improvements for Weekley Hall Wood. If you provide your contact details, we’ll also share the survey results with you at the end of 2025.
What Happens Next?
Your responses will help us:
• Identify any safety risks for visitors.
• Advocate for safety measures to local authorities and stakeholders.
• Ensure Weekley Hall Wood remains a welcoming and secure space for everyone.
Get Involved
We can’t do this without your help! Completing the survey only takes a few minutes but makes a big difference. Please also share the survey with friends, family, and anyone who loves visiting Weekley Hall Wood.
Thank you for your support!
The Public Inquiry to decide the fate of Weekley Hall Wood and Meadow ended on December 8th 2023. On January 8th 2024 the Planning Inspectors decision was published…
He dismissed Buccleuch Properties appeal and refused planning permission for the warehouses. We are incredibly pleased with this result, which received a large amount of press coverage.
However, we are waiting to see what Buccleuch do next as this isn’t the end.
We are a community group formed to protect Weekley Hall Wood and wildflower meadow from plans to build warehousing on this beloved part of Kettering. We are made up of passionate individuals and concerned local organisations opposed to the destruction of our countryside and the last remaining accessible woodland area around Kettering. We aim to represent the thousands of people opposed to this development and are putting our all into saving Weekley Hall Wood.
The Duke of Buccleuch’s development company Buccleuch Property has took their destructive plans to the Government Planning Inspector in 2023. The two week Public Inquiry was began in late November 2023 and in January 2024 the Planning Inspector released his decision. Buccleuch’s appeal was dismissed and planning permission refused!
In early 2022 the developer submitted amended plans which destroy a little less of the woodland but still the entirety of the precious wildflower meadow. While our campaign has obviously made a difference to influence this change, we feel they are missing the point. We are opposed to all further warehousing at Weekley Hall Wood and we appeal to the Duke to intervene on behalf of the people of Kettering and stop his destructive plans.
Unfortunately, on the 5th May 2022, the Councils Kettering area planning committee voted 5-3 to approve the IM Kelly application for a single warehousing unit. Around 200-300 people protested at the meeting.
This minor setback has made us more determined than ever to defeat the large application for 5-6 huge warehousing units in the Buccleuch Property plans.
Our petition ended up with 24,181 signatures! This is amazing and we never expected the huge public backing. Thank you to everyone that signed.
Please check our social media for up to date information on all our activities. Our team is continuously working to oppose the destruction of these beloved woods and wildflower meadows.
There are two planning applications we oppose. The main one for 5 warehouses is only the start and will see huge tracts of biodiverse land cleared. The second was to build a single warehouse in the middle of the wildflower meadow. This is out of keeping with the environment around it and we strongly oppose both these possible developments.
If you have any skills or knowledge that you think could be useful to protect this beautiful area please get in contact.
We need you… Especially if you have planning knowledge, have fought planning applications before or happen to be an environmental lawyer!
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